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Keyboard Only:
All screens and data entry forms in the Federal Surplus Software application can be operated exclusively by the keyboard.
Use the Tab key to move between screen and form elements.
Press the Enter key to select an item or Save a record.
Most icons and column headers show a brief description when they are highlighted with the Tab key.
Wherever shortcuts are available they are indicated on their respective buttons. For example: Pressing the Alt and S keys sequentially (Alt+S) is a shortcut to save a record. These shortcuts are noted on the buttons.
Screen Readers:
There are a variety of screen readers available as plug-ins to most browsers. Screen readers will identify text elements on all screens.
Speech Recognition:
Speech recognition can be used to maneuver within the application and dictate data entry with third-party software such as Dragon naturally speaking. On mobile phones and tablets the built-in speech recognition can be used for data entry.